Land Records
Waltham currently has 40 years of land records online. Please use the link above.
Access to all other land records, lister cards, tax records and the Grand List are available by visiting the Town Offices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am- 3:00 pm. It is advised to call ahead for an appointment, but walk-ins are welcome. There are also old records dating back through the history of the town for review.
Location: 2053 Maple Street, Waltham, Vermont
Telephone: (802)877-3641
Email: Town Clerk: clerkwalthamvt@gmail.com
Assistant Clerk: waltham.vt@gmail.com
State of Vermont Recording Fee Charges (July 1, 2019)
Document recording fee: $15.00 per page
PTTR (Property Tax Transfer Return): $15.00 a document
Survey Plot Recording fee: $25.00 a sheet
Certified Copy of Records: $10.00 a page
Examination of records (Vault time): $4.00 an hour