Highway Department
Slow down or go around…but please do NOT SPEED through our town.
The Waltham Select Board would like to remind all drivers who travel Green Street, Maple Street, Plank Road, and Middlebrook Road to please slow down. The speed limit on these roads is 35 miles per hour and not only is there increased use of the roads, but an increase in speeds well over the legal limit.
Vermont State Statutes regarding snow plowing onto roadways:
Depositing snow by blowing or plowing onto the traveled way, shoulder, or sidewalk of a class 1, 2 or 3 town highway violates the Vermont Statutes Annotated – Title 19 § 1105 and Title 23 § 1126a. Depositing snow onto any highway results in increased maintenance costs and may result in a highway accident. When Snow is blown or plowed across the highway it may cause slippery conditions or snow berms that in turn could cause an accident. Private parties who violate this statue should be given a warning by letter from municipalities (for town-maintained roads). Further violations may result in the issuance of a traffic ticket which carries a $50 waiver penalty or a civil action may be brought under Section 1105, which carries a fine not to exceed $1,000 plus costs.
General information
The Town of Waltham contracts with Chris LaPete, Inc. for road maintenance. There are 13.5 miles of road in Waltham. The Select Board dually serves as the Road Commissioners.
For road emergencies or to report a problem, call the Assistant Town Clerk at (802)355-4254 or the Town Clerk’s Office on Tuesdays and Thursdays at (802)877-3641. Email the clerks at the following addresses. clerkwalthamvt@gmail.com and waltham.vt@gmail.com
A park and ride is located at the Town Offices (2053 Maple Street) and an Internet Hotspot exists in the parking lot for use.
Road Access Permit is required for construction of a Right of Way and or Driveway Access: Apply for an Access Permit
Overweight Permit
Overweight Permits are required each year; applications need to be submitted before March 31: Apply for an Overweight Permit
Additional Transportation Resources
Go! Vermont, a resource for carpooling, vanpooling, and other public transportation options