General Election

General Election


A statewide General Election will be held on TUESDAY, November 5, 2024 to vote for candidates for the following offices: 

President Governor Auditor of Accounts High Bailiff Vice President Lieutenant Governor Attorney General 

U.S. Senator State Treasurer State Senator(s) 

U.S. Representative Secretary of State State Representative(s) 

The polls will open at 10:00 a.m. and will close at 7:00 p.m. The polling place(s) is/are located at:

Waltham Town Office  2053 Maple Street

_______Linda Devino_____________________ 

Town (or City) Clerk 


EARLY or ABSENTEE BALLOTS: You can request early/absentee ballots  at any time during the election year. The latest a ballot can be requested  

in ___Waltham_ is __3:00pm  10-31-2024 

You or a family member can request early ballots in person, in writing, by  telephone, or on your My Voter Page at An authorized  person can request ballots for you in person or in writing. 

CHECKLIST: Posted at town clerk's office by Sunday, October 6, 2024. If  your name is not on it, then you must register to vote. 

SAMPLE BALLOTS POSTED: Wednesday, October 16, 2024. 

REGISTER TO VOTE: There is no deadline to register to vote. You will be  able to register to vote on the day of the election. Please register early by  visiting the town clerk’s office or going online to

PARTY CHOICE: All voters receive one ballot to vote for the general election,  which includes all parties’ candidates. You do not have to tell anyone which  party you are voting in. Also, there is no voter registration by party in Vermont. 

Methods of voting early/absentee in the 45 days before the election (ballots  available beginning September 21, 2024): 

1. Vote in town clerk's office prior to the election. 

2. Voter may take the ballot out of the clerk's office for themselves and  return in same manner as if the ballot were received by mail. 3. Have ballot mailed to you and return it to clerk's office before  Election Day or to the polling place before 7 p.m. on Election Day. 4. If you are in the military, live overseas, or are ill or disabled you may  receive your ballot electronically and use our accessible online ballot  marking tool, but you must print your ballot and return it by mail. 5. If you are ill or disabled, you may ask the town clerk, on or before the  deadline to request an absentee ballot, to have two justices of the  peace bring a ballot to you at your home on any day preceding the  day of the election once ballots are prepared. 

Identification Required for First Time Registrants by Mail: If you are registering individually for the first time by mail or online, you must provide a  copy of identification along with your registration: current valid photo I.D., or a  utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other  government document showing your name and current address. If you do  not provide I.D. or other documentation with your registration and do not  have it when you come to the polls, you can complete a new registration in  person or you will be offered a provisional ballot. 

CASTING A PROVISIONAL BALLOT: If you accept the offer to vote a  provisional ballot, you must complete a sworn affidavit on the provisional  ballot envelope swearing that you are qualified to vote in Vermont and in the  polling place where you are, and that you submitted an application to register  to vote before the deadline. You will be given a card explaining how you can  find out if your ballot was counted one week after the election by calling the  Secretary of State's Office at 1-800-439-8683. 

If your name was dropped from the checklist in error or has not been  added even though you submitted an application: Explain the situation to  your town clerk or presiding officer and ask that your name be added to the  checklist. The town clerk or presiding officer will investigate the situation and  then either have you complete a registration form and then add your name to  the checklist or explain why you cannot be added.  

If the town clerk or presiding officer and BCA members present cannot  determine that you are entitled to be added to the checklist on Election Day,  you may appeal to a superior court judge, who will give you a decision on  Election Day OR you may vote a provisional ballot. 

Any voter who wants assistance for any reason may bring the person of  his or her choice into the voting booth to help or may ask for assistance from  two election officials. Voters who cannot get from the car into the polling  place may have a ballot brought to a car outside the polls by two election  officials. 

Any U.S. citizen and resident of a Vermont town or city who submitted  an application to register to vote on or before election day is entitled to  vote regardless of race or physical ability. 


• Vote more than once per election, either in the same town or in  different towns. 

• Mislead the board of civil authority about your own or another  person's eligibility to vote. 

• Socialize in a manner that will disturb other voters. 

• Offer a bribe, threaten, or intimidate a person to vote for a candidate. • Hinder or interfere with the progress of a voter going into or out of a  polling place. Vermont law provides that a person cannot campaign  within a polling place but does NOT specify any number of feet that  campaigners need to be away from the polls outside. The presiding  officer will set reasonable rules for where campaigners can stand. 

The Election Officials at the polling place are here to serve you. 

If you have any questions, or need assistance while voting, ask your town  clerk or any election official for help. 

If you do not understand something, or you believe a mistake has been made  that has not been corrected, or you have a question that cannot be answered  to your satisfaction at the polling place: Call the Elections Division, Office of the Secretary of State 1-800-439-VOTE (439-8683) (Accessible by TDD) 

If you believe that any of your voting rights have been violated, you may  call the Elections Division at 800-439-8683 or (802) 828-2363. You may also  file an Administrative Complaint with the Secretary of State’s Office, 128  State Street, Montpelier, VT 05633-1101. 

If you believe you have witnessed efforts to commit any kind of fraud or  corruption in the voting process, you may report this to your local United  States Attorney’s Office, the County State’s Attorney or the Vermont Attorney  General. 

If you have witnessed actual or attempted acts of discrimination or  intimidation in the voting process, you may report this to the Civil Rights  Division of the United States Department of Justice at (800) 253-3931. 


• Go to the entrance checklist table, give your name, and if asked, your  street address to the election official in a loud voice. 

• Wait until your name is repeated and checked off by the official. 

• If you want to use the accessible voting system tell the entrance  checklist official at this time. An election official will take you to the  accessible ballot marking device, enter a security code, and then leave  you to mark and print your ballot privately. More details about our new  accessible ballot marking device are available on our website at

• Take the ballot from the election official and enter a voting booth. Once  inside the voting booth, mark your ballot for each race. 

• To vote for a candidate, fill in the oval to the right of the name of the  candidate. Do not vote for more candidates than the “Vote for not  more than #” for each or office. If you vote for more than the “Vote  for not more than #,” your vote will not count for that race. 

• WRITE-IN candidate(s): To vote for someone whose name is not  printed on the ballot, use the blank "write-in" line on the ballot and either  write in the name or paste on a sticker, then fill in the oval. 

If you make a mistake or change your mind, DO NOT try to erase.  Return your spoiled ballot and ASK an election official for a new  ballot. If you make a mistake again, you may ask for another ballot.  Each voter may have up to 3 ballots. 

• To cast your voted ballot: either insert your voted ballot into the tabulator  machine, or in a hand count town, insert it into the ballot box. 

• Go to the exit checklist table, if any, and state your name. Wait until your  name is repeated and checked off by the official. 

• Leave the voting area immediately by passing outside the guardrail. All voters who are in line at the polling place at 7 p.m. will be permitted to  vote. No voter can enter the polling place to vote after 7 p.m.

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Budgetary Meeting

Budgetary Meeting

The Waltham Selectboard will hold an unscheduled budgetary meeting at 4:30pm on Tuesday September 24th. This meeting will be held at the Town Office (2053 Maple Street) and is open to the public. The purpose will be to discuss the ongoing culvert replacement on South Middlebrook Road.  If you have questions you can call 802-877-3641 or email and or

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Planning Commission/Development Review Board

Planning Commission/Development Review Board




The Waltham Planning Commission will hold a hybrid in-person and virtual (via Zoom) Public Hearing at

5:30 p.m. on Monday, September 23, 2024, at the Waltham Town Hall (2053 Maple Street) to take

public testimony on the proposed Town Plan for the Town of Waltham.

The Planning Commission will discuss and vote on any proposed changes directly after the public


Statement of Purpose

The purpose of a town plan is to provide a vision for orderly development within the town. It is a point in

time that uses current data and existing conditions to guide zoning and development decisions for the

eight-year period covered by the next Town Plan.

The proposed Town Plan is a revision of the plan adopted in 2016 and subsequently modified in 2022

to add the Enhanced Energy Plan.

The proposed Town Plan affects all the land with the Town of Waltham. It updates sections that use

U.S. Census data to current data and includes updated natural resource mapping. The proposed Town

Plan has been reorganized to include the results of a resident survey, a vision statement, goals and

objectives within each section, and an implementation section.

The Planning Commission believes the following are the significant changes included in the proposed

Town Plan:

1. The following sections have had data updated: Population, Housing, Making a Living, Schools

and Childcare, and Public Facilities.

2. The Public Facilities Section reflects progress on renovation of Town Hall and introduction of

broadband telecommunications capacity via Maple Broadband.

3. The Enhanced Energy Plan is summarized in the Energy Section and is incorporated in the

proposed Plan as an appendix.

4. The most current data from the Agency of Natural Resources delineating forest blocks,

connectivity blocks and priority wetlands is included. As a result, the Natural Resources, Land

Use and Flood Resiliency sections of the proposed Plan have been expanded to incorporate

this information and to meet the new requirements of 24 V.S.A. §4382.

Town Plan Index

Table of Contents 1

Introduction 7

Vision for Waltham 8

Waltham Today 9

Population 16

Housing 19

Making a Living 26

Schools and Childcare 30

Transportation 32

Public Facilities 37

Energy 42

Natural Resources 44

Flood Resilience 59

Land Use 66

Compatibility 73

Implementation Plan 75

While the Town Plan sets forth the community vision, goals and objectives, the means to achieve those

ends are set forth in the town zoning and subdivision regulations. Subsequent to adoption of a new

Town Plan, the Planning Commission will consider amendments to the zoning ordinance consistent with

that plan and as may be required by changes in state law.

Copies of the proposed Town Plan are available for review or may be obtained at the Town Hall (2053

Maple Street), during regular business hours of 9 am to 3 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, or at (scroll to

Waltham 2024 Town Plan). For more information, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at and at 1 (802) 877- 3641.

Written testimony will be accepted by the Planning Commission if received by 9/19/24 at, sent to the attention of the Planning Commission at P.O. Box 175

Vergennes, VT 05491 for delivery on or before 9/19/24, or delivered to the Town Hall before 3:00 p.m.

on 9/19/24.

Zoom Meeting Information:

Link to join Zoom Meeting by computer video:

Meeting ID: 870 6103 9363

Passcode: 266812

Telephone to attend the meeting by phone:

One tap mobile +19292056099,,87061039363#,,,,*266812#

Jeff Glassberg, Chair

Waltham Planning Commission

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