Emergency Management
Emergency Management
Check 511 for road closures.
We call it an emergency when we didn't prepare or it happened unexpectedly. During an emergency:
Your neighbors are your best resources stay in touch and keep everyone safe.
Stay home and let the emergency responders do their jobs.
Expect power outages
If needed, the town will open an emergency shelter. If you need food or shelter, please contact.
Emergency Management Coordinator: Paul McMahon-(802)989-3290
Emergency Shelters: If needed will be located at one of the following.
Vergennes Union High School- 50 Monkton Road, Vergennes, Vermont
American Legion Post # 14- Armory Lane, Vergennes, Vermont
2-1-1 is ready to help (by phone or on line) https://vermont211.org/
Do you need help finding help?
Looking for help with everyday needs?
Are you facing difficult times and are not sure where to turn?
Dialing 2-1-1 is your first step! By dialing 2-1-1, information is much easier to find! Vermont 2-1-1 is a simple number to dial for information about health and human service organizations in your community.
At Vermont 2-1-1, callers will speak with a real person every time. Call Specialists can problem solve and/or refer callers to government programs, community-based organizations, support groups, and many other local resources.
Fire Warden and Burn Ordinances
Waltham Fire Warden- Michael Grace
He can be reached at mmjgrace321@gmail.com or by phone at (802)870-0365.
(Please be advised that the Town of Waltham will not assume any expense incurred due to out-of-control burning when no permit has been obtained from the Fire Warden) Waltham Select Board
All Waltham residents must have a valid permit before begining to burn.