Emergency Management

Emergency Management

Check  511  for road closures.

We call it an emergency when we didn't prepare or it happened unexpectedly. During an emergency:

  • Your neighbors are your best resources stay in touch and keep everyone safe.

  • Stay home and let the emergency responders do their jobs.

  • Expect power outages

If needed, the town will open an emergency shelter. If you need food or shelter, please contact.

Emergency Management Coordinator: Paul McMahon-(802)989-3290

Emergency Shelters: If needed will be located at one of the following.

Vergennes Union High School- 50 Monkton Road, Vergennes, Vermont

 American Legion Post # 14- Armory Lane, Vergennes, Vermont

2-1-1 is ready to help (by phone or on line) https://vermont211.org/

Do you need help finding help?
Looking for help with everyday needs?
Are you facing difficult times and are not sure where to turn? 

Dialing 2-1-1 is your first step!  By dialing 2-1-1, information is much easier to find!  Vermont 2-1-1 is a simple number to dial for information about health and human service organizations in your community. 

At Vermont 2-1-1, callers will speak with a real person every time.  Call Specialists can problem solve and/or refer callers to government programs, community-based organizations, support groups, and many other local resources.

Fire Warden and Burn Ordinances

Waltham Fire Warden- Michael Grace

He can be reached at walthamvtofficer@gmail.com or by phone at (802)870-0365.


(Please be advised that the Town of Waltham will not assume any expense incurred due to out-of-control burning when no permit has been obtained from the Fire Warden) Waltham Select Board

All Waltham residents must have a valid permit before begining to burn.




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