How Do I Register To Vote?
You can call the Town Office at (802)877-3641 and request a voter application. It can be mailed to you or you can come in and pick it up. You will need to provide your date of birth and your Vermont Driver’s license number on the voter application, or the last 4 digits of your Social Security. The voter application now has a place for the voter to administer the Voter Oath themselves, just date and sign it. You can now register and vote on the same day, please provide proof of residency and your driver’s license. It is located at (My Voter Page) mvp.vermont.gov
Absentee Voting
If you are unable to make it to the polls during voting times, you may vote by absentee ballot. You or a family member can request an absentee ballot by calling the Town Office @ (802) 877-3641 Or you can go to https://olvr.vermont.gov which is the Secretary of State's website. State Law requires that only the voter can take their own ballot out of the Town Office. You can vote in the Office or it can be mailed to you. Please contact the Town Clerk's office for availability. So, you can pick up your own ballot, but your spouse must be present to get their own, or it can be mailed to them.
Frequently Asked Questions & Resources
Voting takes place in the Waltham Town Hall, located at 2053 Maple Street in Waltham. Polls are open from 10am - 7 pm.
You will be given a Republican, Democratic and Progressive ballot. Please choose one party to vote for and put all unused ballots in the envelope marked unused.
This is the one election that happens every four (4 years) where you are required to declare your Party.
Justices of the Peace are elected every two years on the State election cycle in November. Their term begins on February 1st of the following year. Republican and Democratic Parties hold their caucuses to nominate JP candidates at the beginning of August. Contact the head of the party to be nominated. Independent Justices need to have their information in by the August Primary to be on the November ballot.
“Vermont’s justices of the peace do far more than solemnizing marriages. Their duties are many and varied, from administering oaths to deciding property tax assessment appeals to delivering and counting ballots as elections officials.” (2019 Vt. Justice of the Peace Guide)
Contact Current Justice of The Peace
Waltham.vt@gmail.com or walthamvtofficers@gmail.com Cookie Steponaitis, Rachel Steponaitis