Town Meetings & Reports
Town Meeting Day
Vermonters often use the expression, βback in the dayβ and in truth this reference applies especially well to the tradition of Town Meeting. Since 1762 there have been town meetings in this state. Well ahead of the Vermont Republic in 1777 and joining the new nation as a state in 1791. The coming together to discuss issues big and small includes items like school budgets, road work, town planning and resolutions pertaining to life in the town. It is direct democracy and key to determining town business and budgets for the coming year.
Waltham Long-term Moderator: Herbert W. Day (1896-1954)
Central to the Town Meeting is the role of the Town Moderator and Town Clerks. Waltham has had surprisingly few moderators, because several individuals have taken on the role and held it over 50 years. When Waltham Moderator Herbert W. Day stepped back from the moderator position after fifty-eight years, at the age of 84, interviewers were fascinated not only by his longevity, but his approach to the fair running of a town meeting. Some years Day said forty residents was a great turn out, but he also recollected some years where over 100 of the then 250 residents would come to listen and talk. Day shared that over time most residents were respectful, but if they werenβt he would just calmly tell them they were out of order and wait until they responded. It took one man seven times, but he finally sat back down.
Waltham Long-term Town Clerk: Mildred Hall Fleming (1957-1995)
Not only the keeper of the records, the Town Clerks serve as the historians and conduits to the towns. Town Meetings serve as a recording of more than political and ideological concepts. The discussions, gatherings and annual meeting of the town people serve link people to the land, their traditions and celebrating what it means to live in a democracy. Like Waltham Moderator William Day, Waltham Town Clerk Mildred Fleming served for 38 years until 1995 and oversaw not only the town meetings but the changes in location of the town offices.
Where do you get your information about Town Meeting?
The Town of Waltham publishes its Town Report annually. The reports contain Town highlights for the past fiscal year, July 1 - June 30 (for example, the Town Report published in 2022 covers FY July 2020-2021. Reports include; the Warning for the Town Meeting and ballot items up for vote for the current year, 2022-2023 as well as updates from the Selectboard, Departments and budget information from both the Town and School District. The Report has ballot information for the March 2022 Town Meeting. The budget information in the Report and for vote is for the upcoming fiscal year, 2022-2023.
βThe legislative body of a municipality shall warn a meeting by posting a warning and notice in at least two public places in the municipality, and in or near the town clerk's office, not less than 30 nor more than 40 days before the meeting.β 17 V.S.A. 2641a
The Town of Waltham posts the agenda, date and time of Town Meeting 40 days before on the Town Bulletin Board and on the Town Website www.walthamvt.org
What is in the Town Report and how do I get one?
The Town Reports contain handy town information, such as a list of elected and appointed officials, civic organizations with contact information, a list of important dates (when taxes are due, dog licenses, etc.) and the days the town offices are open for business.
Electronic copies are available on the website and limited paper copies can be requested through the town clerk at clerkwalthamvt@gmail.com
Stored in the vault at the Town Offices are Town Reports from 1900- present. There are some years missing. If you happen to have one of these in your barn, home or find one in your travels, please consider letting us keep it safe in the vault as a slice of history from our town.
Missing years of the Town Report
1906-1911 1915 1921 1924 1926 1927 1935 1938 1942 1948 1953
From 1960 - present we have copies of each year.