Tax Information
The town operates on a calendar year for taxes. (The school operates on a fiscal year).
Taxes are due the first of November. The tax rate is usually set by the Selectboard in September. Tax bills are usually sent out by the end of September. The Tax Rate is determined by how much the voters decided to spend divided by the Grand List. (The list of the values of all the properties in town).
The School Tax rate is set by the legislature and is provided to each town at the end of June.
Tax Rate & Property Tax Information
Homestead Tax Rate: 2.0458
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.8851
Waltham Tax Rate: TBD
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.8780
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.6951
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.3886
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.6218
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.5622
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.3329
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.7257
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.6613
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.324
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.7231
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.5829
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.30
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.5212
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.3956
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.32
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.6293
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.5619
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.38
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.6592
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.5611
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.385
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.7683
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.6319
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.385
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.6575
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.608
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.38
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.6011
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.6400
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.40
Homestead Tax Rate: 1.3937
Non-Homestead Tax Rate: 1.5187
Waltham Tax Rate: 0.40
Escrowed Taxes
If your taxes are included with your mortgage payment, please make sure they have your information. If your taxes go up, they will be increasing your mortgage payment.
Occasionally companies do not pay your taxes in a timely manner. Please check to make sure that your taxes have been paid.
Common Level of Appraisal
CLA stands for “Common Level of Appraisal.” It is a method of ensuring that each town is paying its fair share of education property tax to the state's Education Fund. In 1997 the Vermont Legislature passed Act 60 in an effort to equalize education funding across the state. The town finished a town wide reappraisal in 2019. The Common Level of Appraisal (CLA) for 2023 is 0.7379
Grand List
The Grand List is created by the listers each year as of April first.
Municipal Grand List 2024 (at time of billing) 248 Parcels with 234 taxable: $560642.00
Understanding your tax bill
Please direct any questions you have to the Town Clerk and Assistant Clerk at clerkwalthamvt@gmail.com
or waltham.vt@gmail.com .
You can also review the questions and information at the Vermont Department of Taxes link.